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DNS Software

DNS stands for Domain Name System it is the things that makes the .com .net .org and .io of all our favorite websites work.

With Dentropy Cloud one requires their own public domain name to access their apps from any web browser connected to the internet. Once one buys a domain name they can use Public DNS services to map that domain name to a server. When running Dentropy Cloud from home one does not have a static IP address therefore the DNS provider needs to support updating their DNS record programmatically when one's IP address changes.

An alternative to public DNS is private DNS. With private DNS one can setup their own websites. With private DNS you can change to go to your website, though browsers don't really like that. Anotehr imporant feature of private DNS is the ability to block ads.

Dynamic DNS

Public DNS

Private DNS

Private services may require running a DNS server on a network.

From other file

DNS Stuff

Wildcard DNS on local machine

DNS + Dynamic IP

For more info click here

Restart DNS on ubuntu

How can I flush the DNS on Ubuntu 17.04? - Ask Ubuntu

# Run one at a time
sudo systemd-resolve --flush-caches

sudo systemd-resolve --statistics