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Becoming A Dataist In Training v0.0.1

Initally Published: 2020-08-26


  • TODO:
  • Go read Homo Deus and describe what a dataist is
  • Go research what a dataist is on the internet
  • Find people to write for, check twitter
  • Have a conversation with someone about what it means to be a dataist
  • Hire someone on epal and talk to them about dataisim

Decoding the human experience

The human experience is incomplete. If the human experience were complete we would be living in some steady state economy void of growth. The society of our hunter-gatherer ancestors was pretty steady state but then Homo Sapiens showed up to ruin the party. Now having conquered the world we have realized our place in the universe. But first let's realize what we are....

I think humanity is a thin layer of bacteria on a ball of mud hurtling though the void. I think if there was a god he would've given up on us long ago. He gave us a paradise, and we used everything up. We dug up every ounce of energy and burned it. We consume and excrete, use and destroy. Then we sit here on a neat little pile of ashes, having squeezed anything of value out of this planet, and we ask ourselves, "Why are we here?" You wanna know what I think your purpose is? It's Obvious, you are here with the rest of us to speed the entropic death of this planet. To service the chaos. We're maggots eating a corpse.

Many people don't care to realize we are basically maggots eating a corpse living their preprogrammed lives day to day, I think it is very humbling. As Joe Rogan says, "A man's gotta eat". Eating requires one to play in this game many refer to as the rat race or keeping up with the Joneses.

The Grand Narrative

You are not unique. Your DNA is a direct rip off of what your parents gave you. The gender you were assigned is basically a coin toss of arguably significant importance. Since you are human that DNA has the code for the universal grammar, so you can pick up human language. The race, culture, country, dwelling you grew up in, religious belief system, school you went to, and even your friends were all assigned to you as part of the grand narrative.

This grand narrative can be pretty fluid. You may not have chosen your gender or parents, but you have some influence over who and what you choose to associate with. You can choose who you want to hang out with. You can choose to pay attention in school. You can choose to respect your parents. You can choose to drop it all and move to Alaska. You can choose who to go on a date with. You can choose to have and or adopt a child. You have a good amount of influence over your passion. You can choose what music, movies, and video games you play and enjoy. All this choice technically exists. All these choices make the flow of your life.

All these choices basically lead to the same end. Death. Many people see death as this sad depressing thing, the end of what was. We are all links in the chain of an infinitely continuous consciousnesses. All those decisions we made do not really amount to much. We made some friends, we made some enemy's, we had some sex, we learned a couple of things, we forgot many more, we enjoyed some peoples company, we made some money. At the end of the day nearly nothing you did was unique. At the same time who is the universe to judge your life, you are the universe experiencing itself.

Technically speaking you should not care what anyone thinks or cares about anything, you can define your own meaning. Meaning is not a thing that can be studied by itself, it is an emergent phenomenon from networks. Our position within our social networks is what gives our lives meaning. Even those loaners who live on social assistance never to leave their apartment are still consuming media produced by others placing themselves in the grand narrative. Our brains have calculated a position for where we are in the sociological graph oh humanity. This graph is really not that accurate, but it is what we have to work with. Breaking down meaning to vertices and edges doesn't mean much if one can not generate actionable insights from it.

The NPC(Non Player Characters) meme is the most important meme of our time. NPC's are people who do not think for themselves or make their own decisions. We are all NPC's just some of us are slightly more self-aware than others. We are all slaves to our programming but like Neo we can become self-aware of the simulation we all live in.

Putting a dent in the universe

I believe most of us are here to speed the entropic death of this planet but a few of us have the ability to change the course of humanity towards a new destiny. We are all scripts being run in this simulation we call the universe. We did not choose to be born, we did not choose our parents, we did not choose what school to go to, our friends, acquaintances, family are all more a byproduct of circumstance than a choice we made. Living life is like floating down the lazy river until death.

Choosing to get up and fight is what takes an act of free will. But how does one get up and fight an enemy that is truly formless? The first step is seeing the flows. If one takes a step back and takes a view from above they should see the character they play in the grand narrative. Every feeling one has ever had anger, sadness, and love is a byproduct of your environment you were put in. Next time you have an intense experience take a step back and take a view from above. Next time you are having an orgasm, realize you are a NPC. When you jump into water to go swimming, realize you are a NPC. When you are so enthralled by the plot of a movie you are reminded that it is just a movie, realize you are a NPC.

Witnessing your own Death

We as humans all have expiration dates. There is very little we can do to manipulate when we will die. A lot of people are going to die today when they thought they had at least another 20 years. Your life is a pattern, there are people that live good happy patterns and people that live sad depressing patterns. Our lives are like trains on a track. Like trains, we can go many separate locations in our lives, and they will all be worthwhile. I say fuck the train I want to get off look around and carve my own dent in the universe.