HPI(Human Programable Interface)
What does a HPI do and look like. What data is included and in what structure. How does one socialize with their data.
- beepb00p.xyz blog
- https://beepb00p.xyz/myinfra.html is an infrastructure map of a functional HPI.
- dentropydaemon.hpi.SocialMediaSingularity.IdentityMessaging - Index every message one has ever received on every platform and create an easy to use interface to interact with all of said messaging platforms.
- dentropydaemon.hpi.SocialMediaSingularity.FeedGenerator - We all have many feeds from youtube, reddit, hacker news, facebook, and twitter. Why not synthesize and tune a communication of all platforms into one tool.
- dentropydaemon.hpi.Memex - A tool to map everything one knows / learned / did. A networked journal so you can catch what is on the tip of your lounge.
- dentropydaemon.hpi.Memex.MediaManagement- Have a log and interpretation of every piece of media ever consumed including movies, web pages, books, youtube, reddit, academic papers, and more.
- dentropydaemon.hpi.Memex.TimeManagement - Get to know yourself through quantified self then be able to use behavior changing tools to help you become the best version of yourself. dentropydaemon.hpi.semanticforumproject - A protocol for semantic linking the world wide to give each person's Memex context relative to others, also allows for better machine learning.
What features would I want in my HPI?
- The ability to backup and annotate any web page
- To use social media based on people rather than platform
- I want a hyper customizable media feed that can take in data from platforms such as youtube, reddit, twitter, RSS, facebook, and more
- I want the core of the platform to be local first
- I want to see chronology of media consumption by platform be it reading a blog, watching 9anime, watching youtube, reading a book, listening to a podcast
- I want my opinion on every piece of media I consume recorded
- See when I added an item to a playlist on youtube, saved post on reddit, or favorited a tweet on twitter.
- Record how long I keep each tab open
- record every query I ever typed in including stuff like reddit, twitter, linkedin, maps etc...
- Dashboard to view and edit all information
- There are so many cloud storage providers why can't I have a single cloud drive that plugs into each platform on as needed basis.
- Why can't I easily track my location rather than google
- I need to be able to link any arbitrary piece of data from anywhere else within my data sphere
- I want to be able to operate the entirety of my data self from a web browser
Capture Data
- Browsing history
- Media consumption
- Podcast
- Movie / TV Show
- Anime
- Books / Audiobooks
- Blogs
- Music
- Audio / Video calls
- Who was called
- Speech to text
- Location history
- Keystrokes
- Wearable data