What other some projects that scraped fandom.com?
- meee-low/web-of-marvel-characters: Scrapes and visualizes data from https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/. Shows the network of characters.
- Python Virtual Environments
- Works out of the box wow
- Uses dentropydaemon-wiki/Software/List/Beautiful Soup
- LucasDaval/Scraping-rendu: Scraping du site https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/
- In french
- No requirements.txt
- Uses dentropydaemon-wiki/Software/List/Beautiful Soup
- dclark101/hxh_project: Scrapes data from hunterxhunter.fandom.com
- Has HTML page that does not even render correctly
- Scraping is done in jupyter notebook
- Uses dentropydaemon-wiki/Software/List/Beautiful Soup
- philliphresh/pnf-inator-2021: Scraping and visualizing data from phineasandferb.fandom.com
- This project is very well documented
- This is not the source code just the end result, damit
- BailyTroyer/minecraft-icons: Icons scraped from https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Icons
- Uses dentropydaemon-wiki/Software/List/Poetry rather than requirements.txt
- Has all contents already in the repo, thing is 271 mb holy shit
- Fandom.com.).)
- Documentation is not complete
- [[Fandom.com]]